Including Visits to Baden-Baden, Wiesbaden, Cassel, Hanover, The Harz Mountains, &c., &c. Previously owned and signed by Clement Clarke Moore [1779-1863], the author of the poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas." With several pages of just published or soon coming out ads in the back, including the novels of "Miss Austen." Ad calls P&P "Elizabeth Bennet; or, Pride and Prejudice." With quips by Sir Walter Scott, Miss Mitford, and excerpts from the Quarterly Review. Miss Austen is said to ..."conduct her conversations with a regard to character hardly exceeded by Shakespeare himself." In the travelogue Mrs Trollope follows on her success from her book about Americans. First American, Scarce. Front board is detached, spine is chipped. Cloth on spine and paper cover are worn and faded. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, & Blanchard. 1834. USED. $50.00